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Etienne Edberg’s website

Wildebeeste on the move over the plains between Serengeti and Ngorongoro Highlands

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Books Photo Gallery Travel Photos 2004 Ink Drawings     Travel     About Me Photo   Svenska

Copyright © Etienne Edberg
All rights reserved, including all text and images on this site

Nature Information & Photography
Etienne Edberg
Tel: +46-70-217 54 06


Nature & Travel Guides

About my books
(In Swedish only)
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Ink Drawings

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2004 travel photos >>
Travel page, Swedish >>
Travel page, English >>

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About me

Born in Södertälje, south of Stockholm. In spite of my name (which is the French version of Stephen) I have no French affinities, but some Norwegian. Of my earliest childhood I have isolated memories from Södertälje, Stockholm and the Stockholm Archipelago. At the age of four I was sent by air to San Francisco, where my parents had gone in advance. I still remember the nice stewardess on the first stage of my voyage from Stockholm to Iceland. During the following years we were much on the move, staying in various parts of USA, Mexico and the Bahamas. I wasn’t affected by regular school attendance until my family finally settled in a Stockholm suburb and I started in fifth grade two weeks before the summer holidays.
     Eventually I studied zoology, botany and geography at the University of Stockholm. I started my professional career as an animal guide at Skansen (an outdoor museum and zoo in Stockholm) and leading study circles. I continued with a variety of employments and consulting assignments, such as lecturer, teacher, translator, artist, photographer, nature surveyor, author, etc. In the late 1970:s I started working in the travel business, which I have continued sandwiching with other jobs to date.
     After many years in Stockholm we moved to South Sweden. First ten years in the country in a landscape of grazing cattle, farmers, artists, holiday makers, red kites and green tree frogs (see picture >>), and then a few years in Malmö (Malmoe). And finally, after a short sojourn in Vaxholm (a small town in the Stockholm Archipelago) we have settled down on Rindö (Rindoe) just east of Vaxholm.

Recorded species at some places where I have lived:

Nature & Travel Guides

To the books >>
My first book, Guide till naturen i Gambia, was published in 1979 by J G Sanders and the English version (A Naturalist’s Guide to The Gambia) appeared three years later. A revised Swedish edition was published by myself in 1983. Both are out of print, but the English edition is sometimes available from >>

The Gambia-book, illustrated with maps and ink drawings, has become a model for my following publications about Ängsö National Park, The Danube Delta, Lanzarote, Tenerife, Grand Canary, Madeira, etc. So far none of these have been published in English.
     I have also edited and published a book by Henrik Nordström about Nature in the environs of Stockholm (Storstadens natur) and contributed with maps and drawings to his book about Nordic Grasses (Gräs published by N&K, 1990), which I also sell.

At the moment I am workingh on a Guide to Exotic Fruits which I plan publish in digital form.
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Canary Bell Flower (Canarina canariensis)

I have been a diligent photgrapher since I was given my first simple box camera in the mid 1950:s. Gradually my equipment has been upgraded, and I started photographing digitally in 2004. At the moment I am using av LEICA V-lux 2, which is an superb camera for travellers. I concentrate on nature and travel photos, which sometimes appear in books, magazines and travel brochures, and which come in handy for teaching and lectures. I don’t often participate in competitions, but in 1987 I won first prize in the Animal Behaviour–other animals section of BBC Wildlife Magazine’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition. I have an extensive library of images from many parts of the world and a tiny selection can be seen in my Photo Gallery >> and my gallery of 2004 Travel Photos >>
I used to do quite a lot of black and white photography and plan to include a gallery of black&whites.

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My painting, sketching and drawing goes back as far as I can remember. Professionally I have used these abilities to make maps and drawings for textbooks and teaching aids, for travel brochures and for my own publications. Some examples can be seen in my Miniature Gallery >>


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In 1977 I started working as a tour guide, specializing in nature and walking tours. Since then I have sandwiched periods of intensive travel with periods of other work (such as teaching and writing).
     To date I have made almost 400 tours for—or in cooperation with—various tour operators to Alaska, South and East Europe, Caucasus, Turkey, Cyprus, somr of the Greek islands, The Gambia, North and East Africa, Zimbabwe-Botswana, Madeira, Canary Islands, Thailand and Indonesia (Sumatra, Bali & Komodo).
     I have added a travel page >> in English, although it is still incomplete. The tours normally start from Scandinavia, but it is usually possible to arrange connecting flights from other countries, or to join the tour at the destination.

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This website has been produced by Etienne Edberg NATURINFO & FOTO AB
Copyright © Etienne Edberg